Welcome to the 2022 PADDLE SPORTS SHOW Buyers Guide Upload Page!
(Please read carefully the instructions below.)


As a Paddle Sports Show exhibitor, you get 2 free product listing in the guide. To get more products listed please refer to the advertisers benefits below.

If you want to get most of your products listed
then you need to decide to advertise in the guide; see advertisers benefits here ->
(Contact us for advertising opportunities)

For product uploads and technical problems, please contact the Buyer's Guide editor Mylo Nicholas: buyersguide@kayaksession.com

For advertising questions, please contact
Philippe Doux – philippe@kayaksession.com

Back Page: 20 products
Full page ad = 12 products
Half page ad = 7 EXTRA products
Quarter page = 4 EXTRA products
(Advertisers listings get also published on paddlerguide.com)

Back Page: 2500 Euros - Spread page: 2500 Euros - Full Page: 1500 Euros - Half page: 750 Euros Quarter page: 500 Euros

(Year round Kayak Session Magazine, Paddleworld Magazine, SUP World Mag advertisers get 50% discount!)
You will first be asked to choose a category for each product, then a description, and then the specs for each product.
Then you'll get to the image upload phase.

Note that you can upload only one product at a time. If you have several products in your contract with us, then you will need to repeat the process for each product.

Make sure to re-name your product image as requested below (so we can find it within the thousands of products uploaded..)...

Please re-name the files according the following principle:
Company_Product.format (ie: Ford_Mustang.jpg)

Important! Boats and Boards gets two views of the product published; a top view, and a side view.

So for these two categories ONLY, two image product are requested, a top and a side view.

Boats and Boards images should be then re-named as follow:


(ie, Ford_Mustang_top.jpg)
(ie, Ford_Mustang_side.jpg)

Note: you can upload both images at once, no need to repeat the process (since it is the same product description and specs)

Your photos must be in High resolution: 300 dpi !!!
Please make sure to have your photos Clear Cut (cut around)
Accepted file: Jpg, Tiff, Psd

For Boats and Boards, upload BOTH the top and the side photos BEFORE you submitt!!!

Start the upload.
First choose your category:

For any technical problem, please contact buyers guide editor Mylo Nicholas: buyersguide@kayaksession.com
For any advertising questions, please contact Philippe DOUX: philippe@kayaksession.com